My Family

My Family

Sunday, August 24, 2014

The countdown

Well here it is folks!! 8 hours until I hit 36 weeks. Almost there! It's amazing that I got to this point! It's been a haul. I'm tired and exhausted. But i can do this as long as I need to! We have had a rough couple days. Wednesday night I had contractions. Thursday they were worse and along came nausea and diarrhea (which is a big sign of labor) my parents came rushing down. My mom spent the night just in Case we needed to leave in a hurry. 
Friday I went into the hospital for my scheduled stress test. I passed with flying colors but dr Hoggard knowing my history wasn't sold on it. He asked me to come in. I was checked and there was progression and he told me it would probably be that night or Saturday. With that in mind we had my mom stay Friday night also. Dr Hoggard wanted to make sure I wasn't progress still so I went in on Saturday and we were all good. No change inbetween Friday and Saturday. Now it's Sunday and I'll still going strong!  Good job baby number 3!!! 
I have dropped and now we will see what happens!

The blue shirt was Sunday and the white shirt is Friday. Definate change. Well here we go!

1st day of school!

It has arrived!! The first day of school! School started august 19th! It seems so early! Monday before school started we had a family dinner, family home evening, and fathers blessings for the kids. Growing up I got a blessing from my father before school. It was such a comfort to me as I would go into school. I love the tradition and have continued with it in my family. Shaylie was so sweet,  she feels deeply so spiritual experiences bring her to tears. Love her sweet spirit. Briggs was happy to be big enough to receive a blessing for preschool. He won't start until September 2nd. He misses the cut off by a month for regular preschool. The 3 year old preschool is only 2 hours twice a week but I think it will make him a little more social. 
She was so happy to go
Back to school. Unfortunately she didn't have any of her friends in her class. It doesn't seem to bother her, she is a social butterfly. Briggs was sad until we went to hangout with grandma. Then he thought it was awesome. At this point I'm going to the doctors twice a week. Having contractions is normal. I just have to make it to 36 right?!
Shaylie had a new outfit for every day but Friday, she was disappointed then. 
Even though the school year started with rain everyone was happy. I was super happy to see her off to her first day. She has a 1st year teacher this year. I was nervous but I think she will be great. Miss Forsyth is excited to do some new things! Well till next time! 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Pioneer Day and beyond.

Well here is where it gets rough. Poineer day started off with me in the hospital. Wade got home Wednesday night from his very last buisness trip. Thursday morning I started having contractions. Regular contractions. Not good. 31 weeks and 4 days. They put me in the hospital to find out was what's going on. 2 cent dilated and 60% effaced. Once again not good. The good news is they have me steroid shots for his lungs and brain and I had a negative fedal fibernectin. Don't know how to spell it. It means that I wouldn't go into labor for two weeks. Giving him more time. This means bed rest. 
After getting out of the hospital we went to bishops house to watch fireworks. Tears and fears led me to a blessing that night. It's been hard to stay down with little kids. A lot of electric carts. 
We went to the specailist at 33 1/2 weeks and she told us there wasn't really anything we could do at this point. She thought I was an amazing person and was perplexed at how my body works. I have faith in our heavenly fathers plan and I have faith he will be healthy and strong. It was amazing to get another look at him! He is getting big and filling out. 
We can do this! I have to see doctors three times a week! It will all work out. 

New addition in the peacock clan

ONatalie had little reed! He's adorable! Her water broke at 36 weeks and 5 days!
The kids were so happy to go meet their new cousin! He is strong and healthy. They come when they want to!
This made my kids really excited to have their own baby at their own house! 
My mom has made so many things for this baby. A car seat cover, nursing cover,  burp cloths, dust ruffle, and an amazing baby quilt! 
I'm so excited! Now we wait

Bumps and bruises.

The kids had so much fun this summer but it came with a lot of ouchies
We will go from the top down. 1. Briggs smacked his head on the molding on the bottom of the wall. We thought it was going to need stitches. 2. Briggs got bit a lot and was swollen bad. And got a bite on his forehead and had an allergic reaction(awesome) 3. Shaylie got a bee sting that stayed for 5 days! It hurt her a lot 4. The grand finale! A black eye! Briggs hit shaylie in the eye with a plastic bat and gave her a bad black eye.

Other than injuries they got to play on big water slides!

Youth conference

I had the awesome opportunity to help out with youth conference. They did something awesome. A while back they decided to do an efy  for the local youth. As a teen I went to efy every year. It was a great time meeting people, learning the gospel, serving, and gaining a testimony. The one problem is efy is expensive, there are so many kids that can't afford to go. So the stake decided to make one for themselves. They had committees for all the different activities and they combined with 2 other stakes. So many kids and so much fun. On Thursday they had games outside. It was hot. But thankfully someone had the hook up with the fire department and they came and hosed down the kids
July in utah is hot but all that water cooled everyone down! I was there most of the day on Thursday and Saturday. Saturday I helped out the group show, service project, dinner, and fireside. Baking 800 bread sticks was a challenge but everything was a success! The short skits by the groups were awesome. There was a group that did a skit that they were synchronize swimmers, another that danced with glow sticks, songs, and dances. It was great to watch! 
So many people worked hard to put this on and it turned out amazing.
The kids had a great day with dad. Movies, Provo beach, sushi, shopping at the mall. They didn't miss me at all! Lol

Sunday fun day?

We have dinner at my parents house on Sunday, it's nice to not have to cook. It gets pretty crazy with 5 kids under 7 in a house but we have some good times. Wade had been gone for almost two weeks and came back for 24 hours just to leave for another 5 days. Wade left to go to winnemuca and we went to grandmas to eat dinner. Shaylie all the sudden realized how much she missed her dad. And out poured the tears. I couldn't help because I totally felt the same way. My sister felt so bad for her that she wanted to do anything to feel better. So this happened....Yep that's right face paint! And of course she couldn't just have shaylie have face paint. Briggs, Connor, Millie, Blake, chad and Michelle all got their faces painted. They all were so happy. 
It turned the night around! Thanks aunt Brooke!


Baby Names - Name Badge Ticker
Baby Names - Name Badge Ticker